Abstract: Group 1
Innovative energy generation by natural resources for sustainable development
Since the nuclear power plant accident happened in Fukushima, energy problems have been more and more serious questions all over the world. For achievement of Sustainable Development Society, we should gradually convert into the utilization of renewable energy, which is obtained from natural resources such as solar, wind, geothermal, and biomass power. Those resources are not exhaustible and they have little negative impact on our environment. However, they have many difficulties in the construction and maintenance cost, instability of power generation, or the location where we construct the plant. Therefore, it is important to combine various energy generation systems and make use of each good point. Moreover, development of new renewable energy generation system is also important.
We will introduce space solar power system (SSPS) as new energy generation systems by renewable energy. SSPS will generate energy in space environment and transfer generated energy via wireless microwave transmission. We, young researchers, can contribute to Sustainable Development by developing these new technologies.